Thursday, March 20, 2008

free tibet

To safeguard Tibetan culture and Buddhist way of life, Tibetans have been forced by china to move to different parts of globe. Tibet is a high plateau with an average height of around 16000 feet. The genocide of Tibetans was clearly charted and well planned by the subsequent communist governments of china. Tibetan people have lived in the high plateau also known as “roof of world” since thousands of years back .Tibetans are god fearing and non-violent people. The local Tibetans who were a majority till Dalai Lama’s escape to India in 1959 have been reduced to a minority and people of Han Chinese origin have become a majority population with the help of PRC (People’s Republic of china)
Tibet, china, Mongolia and Indian sub-continent have shared a lot in terms of cultural exchange and religious ideologies. There have been times in history when Tibet had a greater control over china and vice-versa. The actual problem started when in 1911-1912 Tibet claimed full independence from china under Thirteenth Dalai Lama. The Chinese revolution of 1911 dethroned the last Manchurian emperor and subsequently religious bonding with Tibet was also snapped. And thereafter Tibet relied heavily on Dalai Lama for administrative and religious thoughts and philosophy and also British in India for support and protection. It continued to maintain neighborly goodwill and friendship with the people of China, but never acceded to the Chinese claim of suzerainty in 1914.British persuaded Tibet to sign treaty with china which was of nominal or non-interfering suzerainty (1914) and China was accorded the right to maintain a mission in Lhasa and at the same time it was forbidden to interfere in any of the internal affairs of Tibet.However that suzerainty was not enforced as Chinese did not sign the treaty. Tibet maintained its unique identity, independent and friendly relations with its neighboring countries including India.The real problem started when china became full fledged communist state and Tibetan Government broke off diplomatic relations with China and made a Chinese representative in Lhasa depart from Tibet in July, 1949 and Tibet cut off all relations with china and its communists. Since China was militarily more powerful than Tibet thus it agreed to negotiate on friendly terms with the Chinese Government. It sent a mission to negotiate with china but took longer time as it needed a British visa to transit through Hong Kong.
Indian govt.helped Tibetan mission to have negotiations with Chinese ambassador. Meanwhile Chinese troops without warning or provocation crossed Tibetan boundaries and quickly captured important places like Demar, Kamto, Tunga, Tshame, Rimochegotyu, Yakalo, and Markham.
The armed invasion of Tibet for the incorporation of Tibet in Communist China through sheer physical force is a clear case of aggression and violation of human rights. I personally have very deep feeling and support for people of Tibet and I support Tibetans for free Tibet. As all of us know China and Pakistan share a very close relation and Pakistan is heavily inclined towards china for military and strategic support .Pakistan did exactly what china did to Tibetans. Pakistan forced the Hindu population of Kashmir to migrate to different parts of globe by killing mercilessly. Kashmir has a total population of less than 10,000 Hindus which used to be 5lakh just 18 years back.
Coming back to Tibet, Tibetans have lost their motherland for the time being and I am somewhat puzzled by the Indian government’s reaction which is not as warm as it used to be. Is the coalition government of communists responsible for this? I have not yet heard any reactions from communists in India.
On my recent visit to majnu ka tila in Delhi which is at present home to many Tibetans, Things are somewhat different. One can clearly feel the tension and helplessness of Tibetans. With some difficulty I could get some words from a Tibetan women who sells T- shirts and jeans and she spoke in broken Hindi “China hamara dushman hai!” and again thought for some time may be 5-6 seconds and said “India hamara dost hai” her last question question was “Aap ko kya chahiyeh?”.After I left the place, I wondered how difficult it is for the Tibetans as tibetans are scattered are over world but somehow have managed their unique identity and culture.I also wondered the hardships faced by tibetans all over world as they have been uprooted from their motherland just as I was uprooted from Kashmir, at the same time I am quite impressed by tibetans for their beleif in self and their dream for beloved motherland—free Tibet.

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