Friday, December 28, 2007

hinduism and other religious

hinduism and religious controversies
There are four main religions of world namely Christianity,Islam,Hinduism and Budhism.The basic function of all the religions is to promote love,harmony,Self control,And brotherhood among different sections of people.In Hinduism there is a concept of Dualism (devaith) and non-dualism (advaith).Both are different ways of approaching god. Many people can not understand the beliefs and concepts of Hinduism. In Christianity and Islam, they have an idea of Satan. In bible it is written about An Angel whose name was Lucifer. He was one of the most beloved angel of god until one day he thought too much of himself and he became the Satan. Any person who thinks too much of himself become as bad as Satan.In Islam also there is this concept of Satan. All bad things and deeds are believed to be work of Satan. In both Christianity and Islam, It is believed that constant remembrance of god or Allah keeps Satan away.In Hinduism however there is no concept of Satan. Instead we have Maya or shiv maya or yog maya .It is believed that maya keeps us away from Paramatma.But contrary to the beliefs of Christians and Muslims we respect and even worship maya.Maya is seen as force which gives birth and death. It is seen as a force which keeps us attached to each other and to worldly objects. It is believed constant remembrance of lord and by Lord’s grace only one can overcome maya.Constant remembrance of god or Allah keeps Satan away and by Constant remembrance of supreme lord one can overcome Maya. So there is something common between religions. Only names change.In Hinduism there are some 33 crore devi’s and devta’s.Non Hindus get confused by this concept, but there is logic and that logic is god himself..because god is everywhere and in everything— in good and in bad. Everything is god for a devout hindu.Tree,animals,snakes….almost everything which has life. Because the life force in all the livings beings is one—call him god,Allah,Paramatma—-And Hindus worship that life force which is in everything.In Devaith philosophy, more emphasis is laid on bhakti or devotion.It also says that one can not really love something which is not visible to eyes.or something that you cannot feel by your five senses. For example you don’t have any feeling for someone whom you have not seen. It is like asking someone” how much love and feeling you have for your great-great-2 grand father who died some 100 years back when you were not even born.”A true devotee of bhakti system is not even satisfied with heaven and they say that in heaven also one is attached to the five senses and these five senses are the five horses of Maya. They want to transcend even heaven. They want to be in eternal love with their beloved lord.In advaith there is absolute one and oneness and Kashmir shaivism is a part of advaith shaivism.Meditation is a form of advaith worship. Kashmir shaivism says we are all part of Shiva. we are Shiva but we have been subjected to Maya shakti and overcoming Maya shakti is key to spiritual liberation. The goal of life is to realize one’s true self. Kashmir shaivism does not consider anything to be good or bad but instead as only being part of the ongoing creative activity of that pure infinite consciousness.”Na papam na punyam na dukham na sukham shivoham,shivoham,shivoham,shivoham” means that there is no good and no bad, There is no sorrow and no pleasure.Ther is only Shiva and he is in me. he is me.It is believed that sensual pleasures are the root cause of any sin. There is also concept of wheel of life and death where one is born and one dies and this cycle will go on till one realizes god and god can only be realized when we reign our senses….when one transcends maya…..the force which rides on our five senses. Refining or reigning of senses gives rise to pure thoughts and pure thoughts give rise to Bhakti(devotion towards lord) or love and by this divine love one can realize one’s true nature.There are laws for everything. Good deeds will yield good results and bad deeds will yield bad results. With good deeds one can realize god in a very short span of time (one lifetime). With bad deeds one gets drifted away from god or true nature and may take many more lifes to become good and eventually realize god.Well be it Islam,Christianity or Hinduism…..The basic purpose remains same…..Realization of self and realization of god.

Friday, December 21, 2007

kashmir blogs

Eighteen years have passed since Kashmiri pundits migrated to different parts of India and leaving Kashmir. Last year one of my friends went to hari parbat.While coming back he saw small children playing. He spoke to them in Kashmiri asking them their names but instead of answering their names they looked back to my friend with a surprise. They ran away and said to each other”yem hai koshur boolan” meaning they are speaking Kashmiri. Well eighteen years is a long time and the new generation (Muslims) who were born in Kashmir and kashmiris who were born outside Kashmir (Hindus) have no idea about each other. Religions have created a very deep rift among the Hindus and Muslims of Kashmir. When Muslims started jihad against India 18 years back, they were sure that they will get azadi(freedom) very soon and they also believed Pakistan will help them. On the other part kashmiris pundits were also very sure that in hour of crisis India will help them. Well today kashmiris-both Hindus and Muslims know India and Pakistan are not really interested in them. But they are interested in Kashmir-Both want Kashmir and nobody is bothered about kashmiri people. India and Pakistan have started talking about Kashmir under pressure from U.S.A. Interesting part is kashmiri Hindu and kashmiri Muslims leaders are not involved. I don’t know how are they going to resolve this problem without taking into confidence common kashmiri people-whether Hindus or Muslims!
India says It is secular! But the question is whether India is really secular?
I have earlier written in my blogs about the double standards of Indian Democracy. It is believed that Muslims constitute about 14% of the total population of India which means there are around 14-15 crore Muslims in India. Like kashmiri pundits Indian Muslims are also victims of democratic set up of India. Majority of Muslims feel alienated from India because of the drawback of democratic set up of India. Like Kashmiri Hindus It matters very little whether they vote or not not. And since they don’t form majority vote bank of any party, they get neglected. It is a high time when constitution and Judiciary system of India get updated. True democracy is where each and every citizen of India should have equal say in representing Member of parliament, Ministers, Prime minister and President.
From 60 years there has been very little amendment in constitution and judiciary system of India. Caste based politics is very harmful for the harmony among different castes and even states. Reservation based on caste is even more harmful. There should be reservation for economically weaker section but the criteria should not be caste based rather it should start from poorest of poor. But the present democratic system cannot allow this because of vote bank politics.
Poorest of poor in India don’t come under any vote bank. This section of society is illiterate and they struggle for the very basic needs like food and shelter. Every now and then I read in Newspapers India is shining! Rich are getting richer and poor are getting from bad to worse. but who cares! Middle class is also silently suffering. The boom in real estate is only for builders and estate promoters. Some 5-6 years back housing was in reach of middle class. One could think of buying land in Metros and cities and construct a house. But today it is impossible. India is not shining it is disintegrating. Division between rich and poor is getting wider and wider.
The basic needs of food and shelter have become more difficult and the present govt and India is Shining. India is shining only for politicians and economically higher class.
The primary teachings of all the religions are more or less same. Every Religion teaches love, harmony, peace, Kindness, non-voilence discipline and self control. But in present India and world religion is mixed with politics and the basic meaning has been deformed. Religion has not even spared even animals. A dog in Christian gets a Christian name, In a Muslim household gets a Muslim name and in Hindus he become Hindu and he is even applied tilk on forehead. nature is same for all and nature has same laws for everyone. Bodily functions of all humans irrespective of their religion, caste and race are same. The feelings are also same .Mother-child love is same for every religion, caste and race. Blood is red for every human being. Everything is same essentially. Nature does not favor or disfavor anyone. But everything changes for all when religion comes into picture.
Every religion says about heaven and hell, Swarg and nark, Jannat and jahanum ….basically different terminology for same thing i.eAfter death worlds! Muslim will go to jannat after death, Hindu will go to swarg and Christian will go to heaven. What will happen if a Christian accidentally goes to jannat after death? He will definitely feel a misfit. Similarly when a Muslim dies and accidentally he reaches heaven he will also feel misfit primarily because he does not know English!
Nature does not discriminate but religions do. If we speak to a priest, A moulvi or a Pundit one will definitely come to conclusion that there is a war between Allah, god and Bhagwan.Every one wants more and more devotees. But the question is what for? Different names such as Allah, god and bhagwan are same but names are different, but the basic element is same. Writing above lines has only one motto-We are all same irrespective of our nationalities, religions, caste and race. Same laws apply to kashmiris also but again religion has divided them. Kashmir belongs to kashmiris whether Hindus or Muslims .But who will come forward to bridge the gap between the two communities as there is no communication between these two. We have same ancestors if we go back to may be eight hundred years. But see the present scenario! We hardly know each other. We look towards each other with suspicion. We don’t trust each other! Who is responsible for all this? Is it Religion or politics? Is it India or Pakistan or is it you and me-------common kashmiris?