Friday, December 28, 2007

hinduism and other religious

hinduism and religious controversies
There are four main religions of world namely Christianity,Islam,Hinduism and Budhism.The basic function of all the religions is to promote love,harmony,Self control,And brotherhood among different sections of people.In Hinduism there is a concept of Dualism (devaith) and non-dualism (advaith).Both are different ways of approaching god. Many people can not understand the beliefs and concepts of Hinduism. In Christianity and Islam, they have an idea of Satan. In bible it is written about An Angel whose name was Lucifer. He was one of the most beloved angel of god until one day he thought too much of himself and he became the Satan. Any person who thinks too much of himself become as bad as Satan.In Islam also there is this concept of Satan. All bad things and deeds are believed to be work of Satan. In both Christianity and Islam, It is believed that constant remembrance of god or Allah keeps Satan away.In Hinduism however there is no concept of Satan. Instead we have Maya or shiv maya or yog maya .It is believed that maya keeps us away from Paramatma.But contrary to the beliefs of Christians and Muslims we respect and even worship maya.Maya is seen as force which gives birth and death. It is seen as a force which keeps us attached to each other and to worldly objects. It is believed constant remembrance of lord and by Lord’s grace only one can overcome maya.Constant remembrance of god or Allah keeps Satan away and by Constant remembrance of supreme lord one can overcome Maya. So there is something common between religions. Only names change.In Hinduism there are some 33 crore devi’s and devta’s.Non Hindus get confused by this concept, but there is logic and that logic is god himself..because god is everywhere and in everything— in good and in bad. Everything is god for a devout hindu.Tree,animals,snakes….almost everything which has life. Because the life force in all the livings beings is one—call him god,Allah,Paramatma—-And Hindus worship that life force which is in everything.In Devaith philosophy, more emphasis is laid on bhakti or devotion.It also says that one can not really love something which is not visible to eyes.or something that you cannot feel by your five senses. For example you don’t have any feeling for someone whom you have not seen. It is like asking someone” how much love and feeling you have for your great-great-2 grand father who died some 100 years back when you were not even born.”A true devotee of bhakti system is not even satisfied with heaven and they say that in heaven also one is attached to the five senses and these five senses are the five horses of Maya. They want to transcend even heaven. They want to be in eternal love with their beloved lord.In advaith there is absolute one and oneness and Kashmir shaivism is a part of advaith shaivism.Meditation is a form of advaith worship. Kashmir shaivism says we are all part of Shiva. we are Shiva but we have been subjected to Maya shakti and overcoming Maya shakti is key to spiritual liberation. The goal of life is to realize one’s true self. Kashmir shaivism does not consider anything to be good or bad but instead as only being part of the ongoing creative activity of that pure infinite consciousness.”Na papam na punyam na dukham na sukham shivoham,shivoham,shivoham,shivoham” means that there is no good and no bad, There is no sorrow and no pleasure.Ther is only Shiva and he is in me. he is me.It is believed that sensual pleasures are the root cause of any sin. There is also concept of wheel of life and death where one is born and one dies and this cycle will go on till one realizes god and god can only be realized when we reign our senses….when one transcends maya…..the force which rides on our five senses. Refining or reigning of senses gives rise to pure thoughts and pure thoughts give rise to Bhakti(devotion towards lord) or love and by this divine love one can realize one’s true nature.There are laws for everything. Good deeds will yield good results and bad deeds will yield bad results. With good deeds one can realize god in a very short span of time (one lifetime). With bad deeds one gets drifted away from god or true nature and may take many more lifes to become good and eventually realize god.Well be it Islam,Christianity or Hinduism…..The basic purpose remains same…..Realization of self and realization of god.

Friday, December 21, 2007

kashmir blogs

Eighteen years have passed since Kashmiri pundits migrated to different parts of India and leaving Kashmir. Last year one of my friends went to hari parbat.While coming back he saw small children playing. He spoke to them in Kashmiri asking them their names but instead of answering their names they looked back to my friend with a surprise. They ran away and said to each other”yem hai koshur boolan” meaning they are speaking Kashmiri. Well eighteen years is a long time and the new generation (Muslims) who were born in Kashmir and kashmiris who were born outside Kashmir (Hindus) have no idea about each other. Religions have created a very deep rift among the Hindus and Muslims of Kashmir. When Muslims started jihad against India 18 years back, they were sure that they will get azadi(freedom) very soon and they also believed Pakistan will help them. On the other part kashmiris pundits were also very sure that in hour of crisis India will help them. Well today kashmiris-both Hindus and Muslims know India and Pakistan are not really interested in them. But they are interested in Kashmir-Both want Kashmir and nobody is bothered about kashmiri people. India and Pakistan have started talking about Kashmir under pressure from U.S.A. Interesting part is kashmiri Hindu and kashmiri Muslims leaders are not involved. I don’t know how are they going to resolve this problem without taking into confidence common kashmiri people-whether Hindus or Muslims!
India says It is secular! But the question is whether India is really secular?
I have earlier written in my blogs about the double standards of Indian Democracy. It is believed that Muslims constitute about 14% of the total population of India which means there are around 14-15 crore Muslims in India. Like kashmiri pundits Indian Muslims are also victims of democratic set up of India. Majority of Muslims feel alienated from India because of the drawback of democratic set up of India. Like Kashmiri Hindus It matters very little whether they vote or not not. And since they don’t form majority vote bank of any party, they get neglected. It is a high time when constitution and Judiciary system of India get updated. True democracy is where each and every citizen of India should have equal say in representing Member of parliament, Ministers, Prime minister and President.
From 60 years there has been very little amendment in constitution and judiciary system of India. Caste based politics is very harmful for the harmony among different castes and even states. Reservation based on caste is even more harmful. There should be reservation for economically weaker section but the criteria should not be caste based rather it should start from poorest of poor. But the present democratic system cannot allow this because of vote bank politics.
Poorest of poor in India don’t come under any vote bank. This section of society is illiterate and they struggle for the very basic needs like food and shelter. Every now and then I read in Newspapers India is shining! Rich are getting richer and poor are getting from bad to worse. but who cares! Middle class is also silently suffering. The boom in real estate is only for builders and estate promoters. Some 5-6 years back housing was in reach of middle class. One could think of buying land in Metros and cities and construct a house. But today it is impossible. India is not shining it is disintegrating. Division between rich and poor is getting wider and wider.
The basic needs of food and shelter have become more difficult and the present govt and India is Shining. India is shining only for politicians and economically higher class.
The primary teachings of all the religions are more or less same. Every Religion teaches love, harmony, peace, Kindness, non-voilence discipline and self control. But in present India and world religion is mixed with politics and the basic meaning has been deformed. Religion has not even spared even animals. A dog in Christian gets a Christian name, In a Muslim household gets a Muslim name and in Hindus he become Hindu and he is even applied tilk on forehead. nature is same for all and nature has same laws for everyone. Bodily functions of all humans irrespective of their religion, caste and race are same. The feelings are also same .Mother-child love is same for every religion, caste and race. Blood is red for every human being. Everything is same essentially. Nature does not favor or disfavor anyone. But everything changes for all when religion comes into picture.
Every religion says about heaven and hell, Swarg and nark, Jannat and jahanum ….basically different terminology for same thing i.eAfter death worlds! Muslim will go to jannat after death, Hindu will go to swarg and Christian will go to heaven. What will happen if a Christian accidentally goes to jannat after death? He will definitely feel a misfit. Similarly when a Muslim dies and accidentally he reaches heaven he will also feel misfit primarily because he does not know English!
Nature does not discriminate but religions do. If we speak to a priest, A moulvi or a Pundit one will definitely come to conclusion that there is a war between Allah, god and Bhagwan.Every one wants more and more devotees. But the question is what for? Different names such as Allah, god and bhagwan are same but names are different, but the basic element is same. Writing above lines has only one motto-We are all same irrespective of our nationalities, religions, caste and race. Same laws apply to kashmiris also but again religion has divided them. Kashmir belongs to kashmiris whether Hindus or Muslims .But who will come forward to bridge the gap between the two communities as there is no communication between these two. We have same ancestors if we go back to may be eight hundred years. But see the present scenario! We hardly know each other. We look towards each other with suspicion. We don’t trust each other! Who is responsible for all this? Is it Religion or politics? Is it India or Pakistan or is it you and me-------common kashmiris?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

kashmir blogs

Kashmiri pundit-who cares!!!
India is the largest democratic country in the world with population of over 1 billion.
It is believed that in a democratic set up Representatives are chosen by the people and for the people. That also means larger the population of any community whether Marathis,Punjabis,Gujratis,Tamils or Bengalis larger is the corresponding number of MLA’s and M.P’s.But lately It has been caste based politics in India where the leaders try to convince the public in the name of religion or caste or even sub-castes like Hindu-Muslim and Yadavs,Jats,dalits etc. This is only creating rift among the different castes in Hindus. Everyday people are killed in the name of religion and casteism in India. If this is democracy then Democracy is not good for India. Democracy is disintegrating India. In the recent past Naxalites, Maoists have killed thousands and it is only growing day by day.
India is already facing problems in the north east and Kashmir. In north east and Kashmir It is the different religions which are creating problems and in Assam It is the mixture of ethnic communism which is creating problem. India has not been able to solve the problem of north east and Kashmir because of loopholes in Indian democracy.
There was no need to impose article 370 in Kashmir and If India really wants to solve the problem of Kashmir It should withdraw article 370.Minority vote politics is the biggest hurdle in abolishing article 370.I am writing this because I am victim of both Indian democracy and article 370.
Kashmiri pundit was the only voice which was in favor of India when we were there in Kashmir before 1990.We laid down our lives for India and we got shame and humiliation in return from both state governments and govt. of India. Population of 4lakh Kashmir pundits does not have a voice which can be heard in lok sabha or rajya sabha. No body bothers about us because we don’t form vote bank of any political party. Democratic system has given one lesson to us- “kashmiri pundits are not wanted in India”.
Don’t think Pro-hindutwa political parties especially BJP has done anything for us.
When Bjp was in power they did nothing for Kashmiri pundits, although they frequently used our names in front of major crowds just to get that extra political mileage.
Before 1990 things were different. We were in Kashmir and we used to think that govt. of India cares for us. But that proved to be a big joke. Respective state governments whether it was National conference or congress or Pdp no one really wants us in J&k.This can be proved by the number of jobs given to kashmiri pundits after 1990.Kashmiri pundits form 25% of educated class in J&k but the number of jobs given to kashmiri pundits
Is not even 1%.Which clearly indicates that state govt. does not want us to be there!
Govt. at center is not bothered about us and state govt. does not want us to be there. We have been uprooted from our homes and although we have managed to survive so far but the big question remains “We laid our lives for India and we got nothing from India?”
My question remains why?????????????

Friday, November 23, 2007

mass exodus-my memories

Mass exodus of pundits-my memories
Kashmir issue is something which every Indian and Pakistani is emotional about. Politicians from both Pakistan and India have used the Kashmir factor for their political goals. In Pakistan a true patriot is believed to be anyone who hates India and same is true with India also but in this case it is Pakistan to be hated.
I remember It was the month of January date was 20th and year 1990.I woke up at around 5.00a.m and so did my brother and my father. Our destination was tourist center, srinagar.We left our home at 5.30a.m and that was the last time I saw my home. I could see the burning tyres and the smoke coming from burning tyres at every chowk. These burning tyres and bonfire was lit by the majority population of the valley and all night they had been shouting anti India and anti Hindu slogans and throwing stones on Kashmiri pundit houses. Somehow we reached Tourist center. We took a taxi and reached Jammu city at around 4p.m.I stayed at my fathers friends house for around one month and then we booked a flat on rent.
I remember Kashmir pundits gathering at different places and protesting on streets and roads of Jammu .Geeta bhawan was the center point were everyone used to meet. Then government announced registration of Kashmiri pundits and said that they will give some relief in cash and some few kgs of rice, wheat and quilts to kashmiri hindus and this process started at geeta bhawan.It was month of april and april is hot in jammu.Sun stroke was unheard in Kashmir and we did’nt even know what is hot weather and everyone was unprepared of scorching heat at least in first year of migration.
I remember it was late April and I was standing in a queue for my registration at geeta bhawan. In the long Queue I could see the faces with sweat, frustration and anger and suddenly one person fell down on ground due to heat.He was shifted immediately in the shadow and he looked totally exauhsted.That was the first time when I saw someone collapsing due to heat.
I was staying at talab tillo area of jammu.There is a canal of river chenab which flows along with akhnoor highway.The cold water of the canal was a relief to many kashmiris in the summer months and many kashmiris who used to live near to canal used to bath in the canal.I particularly enjoyed swimming in the canal.
Well barsaat was unheard in Kashmir.I had never seen humid conditions of barsaat.most of the kashmiris had never experienced that type of humid conditions.As one sweat a lot in barsaat.Skin infections are very high in barsaat.especially itching.
Mass exodus of kashmiri panduts was not planned by any kashmiri pundit.90% of pundits had thought that they will come back to the valley as soon as the situation comes under control.But that never happened, and I don’t see that happen at least not in coming 5 years. Some say it was Jagmohan who was the brain behind the mass exodus.But that is not true.Common kashmiri pundit has lost any hope of returning back to valley.

.Common kashmiri hindu felt that Indian govt and people of India will react very strongly.But contrary govt. of India suppressed this news and mass exodus of Kashmiri pundits was a minor news in national newspapers.It was two column news in national newspapers and that too on 12th or 14 th page which was hardly noticeable.Majority population of India still don’t know what happened to kashmiri pundits?They don’t know we were forced by the Islamic thought and muslim terrorists to migrate to different parts of India!The population of kashmiri Pundits has been reduced to less than 9000 in Kashmir valley which was originally 4lakh..Still vast majority population of India may be up to 90% don’t know what has happened in Kashmir.Govt of India particularly congress said It is against the national interests of India to publisize the situation which forced us to migrate.But publicizing godra incident is in favour of India! I don’t know how can Kashmiri pundit be against National intrest of India.If kashmiri pundits had shouted “Pakistan zindabaad” instead of “bharat mata ki jai!”then we would be still living in Kashmir!

Friday, October 26, 2007

muslim unity-a myth

Muslim Unity-Greatest myth
Muslims throughout the world have flagged a war with all the non-Muslim countries of world. Osama bin laden is trying to do which no-one has done before. He is trying to unite Muslims .The big question is whether he can unite Muslims and become a caliph himself!
The fact is Muslims can never get united. There are at least 30 Muslim majority countries across globe. In certain instances Muslims have killed Muslims in millions. One such classical case is Bangladesh. It is believed Yahya khan killed 2 million Bangla Muslims during Bangladesh independence struggle. The Awami League was founded by Bengali leaders in the East. The aim of the League was to promote Bengali interests and secure autonomy for the East. A student political leader, Mujib rose in East Pakistani politics and within the ranks of the Awami League as a charismatic and forceful orator. An advocate of socialism Mujib became popular for his leadership against the ethnic and institutional discrimination of Bengalis. He demanded increased provincial autonomy, and became a fierce opponent of the military rule of Ayub Khan. At the heightening of sectional tensions, Mujib outlined a 6-point autonomy plan, which was seen as separatism in West Pakistan. He was tried in 1968 for allegedly conspiring with the Indian government but was not found guilty. Despite leading his party to a major victory in the 1970 elections, Mujib was not invited to form the government.
On 16 ,1951 October Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated by fanatics opposed to his refusal to wage war against India. He was replaced as prime minister by Khwaja Nazimuddin, a Bengali and the then governor general. In 1954 general elections the Muslim League was defeated in the East by the United Front, a coalition campaigning for autonomy for the East. However, the United Front was prevented from taking office by Ghulam Mohammad, who imposed governor's rule on the East under Major General Iskander Mirza. Ghulam Mohammad also dismissed the Pakistan Constituent Assembly and appoints his own "cabinet of talents", including a number of senior officers from the 1956 Pakistan's first constitution is constituted on 2 March, nine years after independence. The constitution proclaims Pakistan an Islamic republic and renames the Constituent Assembly the Legislative Assembly. The office of governor general is renamed president. The constitution was made in such a way that each wing of Pakistan had the same number of representatives in the parliament, meaning that the East, with its larger population, was 1958 Bengali members of the civil service were preferred for posts in the East; Dhaka was designated the legislative capital of Pakistan, and Islamabad the administrative capital; and public investment in the East Pakistan 1963 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Mujib) assumed the leadership of the Awami League, which was then East Pakistan's dominant political party. Mujib emerges as leader of the Bengali autonomy 1966 In March Yahya Khan was appointed as commander-in-chief of the Pakistan Army and promoted from major-general to lieutenant-general. He was instrumental in reorganising and modernising the Pakistan Army. He worked to improve communications, decentralise decision making, increase the strength of the infantry and create an independent command structure in the East.same year Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Ayub Khan's government, resigns and formed the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), becoming a vocal opposition figure. On 31 1961 March Yahya Khan assumed 1970 yahyah kahn unveils a new interim constitution. Pakistan's first nationwide direct elections are held on 7 December. The Awami League campaigned for almost total autonomy for the East. When it won 160 of the 162 seats allotted to the East it became the majority party in the 313 seat National Assembly.Mujib claimed the prime ministership and asserts that his six-point program will be used as the basis of a new constitution. However, the election result was not honoured, with West Pakistani politicians, led by Bhutto and supported by senior army officers, pressuring Yahya Khan to cancel the inaugural sitting of the National Assembly, making the establishment of civilian government impossible. In 1971 On 21 February Yahya Khan dissolved his civilian cabinet. The army took full control of the government.
After talks broke down with President Yahya Khan and West Pakistani politician Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Mujib was arrested and a guerrilla war erupted between government forces and Bengali nationalists aided by India. An all out war between the Pakistan Army and Bangladesh-India Joint Forces led to the establishment of Bangladesh, and after his release Mujib assumed office as a provisional president, and later prime minister. Even as a constitution was adopted, proclaiming socialism and a secular democracy, Mujib struggled to address the challenges of intense poverty and unemployment. Amidst rising political turmoil, he banned other political parties and declared himself president in 1975. Mujib was assassinated along with his family by a group of army officers.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Kashmiri hindus were forced to migrate to different parts of India seventeen years ago by the Muslim terrorists and Muslims of Kashmir. In These seventeen years every Kashmir Hindu must have thought at least once daily about their birth place..Kashmiri pundits were forced to leave Kashmir because we opted to say “Bharat Mata ki jai” rather than Pakistan zindabad.Thousands of Kashmiri pundits were selectively targeted by Muslim jehadis and women were raped and brutally killed by Islamic terrorists and the govt. at center under the leadership of V.P.Singh and home minister Mufti Mohammed sayyed remained as mute spectators. Mufti sayyed is an sworn enemy of Hindus and especially kashmiri pandits.He has never said even once“jai hind” while being chief minister of J&K.Congress also maintained silence as they didn’t wanted to loose their Vote bank of Muslims. What a joke congress is in power in J&K with the help of anti-national,anti-hindu PDP!

Under present UPA Govt. India is heading towards nowhere, because UPA does not have any True leader. I feel we have two parallel govt’s at present in center, one is run by Congress and other by left and this right and left directionless, pro-Muslim, pro-Christian and anti- Hindu govt. is only harming the majority population of India. Congress and left parties were known to be sworn enemies of each other. Communists got power in West-Bengal and Kerala because of congress’s dictatorship and all these years they were after the lives of each other. Hindutva wave proved too powerful for them to handle and only to keep off pro-Hindu govt. from power in center they joined hands together. How can we trust left parties as it is a known fact that they are more pro-Chinese than Indians!

I personally feel that so called regional parties who are playing on casteism and minority vote bank politics are biggest threat to the integrity of India. Congress is doing every effort to please Muslims where as it is an established and almost universal truth that every Muslim may not be a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim.

India is the largest Hindu populated country of the world and yet Hindus are not getting what they should get, as the present govt. is more inclined to minorities for their vote bank politics. Since govt. is spending huge sums of money to minorities and neglecting vast majority especially in far flung areas and tribal areas. the long regime of congress has been unable to set up even basic facilities like healthcare ,education and employment in these under developed areas and thus these areas are prone to malicious ,anti-national sympathetic wave created by Christian missionaries and these missionaries are playing their dirty game of conversion.

So called secular parties and communists parties have literally captured media, whether print, Radio or TV. And they are corrupting the youngsters of India. I am almost sure that all leading news channels are used by the so called secular poltical parties and communists. Even poltical parties are using media to do sting operations and expose its rivals.Congress has particularly used very efficiently Tehelka.They did sting operation in 2001 against BJP. They also used tehelka for BSP and SP.Recently Tehelka did sting operation in Gujrat against BJP(infamous godhra incident). Why have'nt tehelka done even a single sting operation against congress? why did'nt tehelka expose those responsible for killing of thousands of sikhs in 1984?and killing of thousands of kashmiri pundits in 1990.

In kashmir alone thousands of kashmiri pundits were murdered .Till date no investigation has been done by any of the governments and not even a single person has been punished by any government.It is not not that Indian agencies don't know the culprits but arresting a muslim for killing a hindu in India is not secular.India is the most seudo-secular country in the world.

The need for hindus to unite is more than ever.All Hindus, whether kashmiri pundits or other Hindus who have been forced to migrate from their respective natives by Muslim terrorists .The biggest problem which I can see is that Hindus are not united whether in J&K or in rest of India. Although we all are facing same problem and if we get united we can definitely change our destinies and destiny of our country.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Kashmiri muslims& hindus and religious controversies

Kashmir had a very rich secular,peaceful and Tolerant culture in the past. emperor Ashoka is often credited with having founded the city of Srinagar.Kashmir was once a Buddhist seat of learning, perhaps with the "Sarvastivada" school dominating. East and Central Asian Buddhist monks are recorded as having visited the kingdom. After the advent of Islam into Kashmir a traditional centre of Buddhist and Hindu religions conversion of Hindus to Islam has resulted in numerically significant population of the Kashmiri Muslims being descendents of Hindus . The prevalence of common Kashmiri Pandit family names among contemporary Kashmiri Muslims is indicative of Hindu lineage. Kashmiri Pandit family names Common family names among Kashmiri Pandits include: Handoo,Aga, Atal, Bandhu, Bhan, Bagati, Bhat/Butt/Bhatt,Budki(Burki), Chowdhury,Dhar(Dar), Dass(Das), Dassi, Dulloo, Ganju(Ganjoo), Kaw,Gurtu,Hak, Haksar, Hangal, Hangoo,Hoon, Jaju,Jalali, Kachru(Kachroo), Kak, Kar, Kappu, Katju, Kaul(Koul), Kaw, Kemmu, Khar,Kasid Kher, Khosa, Kitchlu(Kitchlew), Kunzru, Langoo,Malla, Mantoo, Mattoo, Muthoo, Misri, Natu, Nehru,Ogra,\ Pandit, Pandita, Parimoo,Qasba, Raina, Rayu, Razdan, Reu, Sadhu, Sapru, Shah, Shivpuri, Shrunglu, Shunglu,Tangnu, Thusoo,Tikoo,Wakhlu, Wanchoo/Wanchu, Wantoo/Wantu,Warikoo, Wattal, Wattoo, Zalpuri, Zaroo and Zutshi.Many of these names are also shared by Kashmiri Muslims.Handoo,Bagati,Bhan,Bhat,Burki,Dhar(Dar),Sapru,Kitchlew,Sheikh are some surnames which are shared by converted kashmiri hindus.The ancestors of most of the kashmiri are common, Syeds are not kashmiri blood,They had come from West Asia and Middle east with the then religious groups to share their knowledge about islam with hindus of kashmir.Some world famous kashmiris are Pt. Jawahar lal nehru,Sir Iqbal and yes Nawaz shareif is also a kashmiri. There is a saying that blood is thicker than water.But I fell religion is thicker than blood.The proof is the killing of kashmiri pundits by Kashmiri Muslims .Some famous lines which were used at that time are as under:· Kashmir main rahna hai, Allah-ho-Akbar Kahna hoga. (If you choose to live in Kashmir, you will have to say Allah-o- Akbar).· Asi gachi Pakistan, Bata ros ta batanev san. (We want Pakistan, with Kashmiri Hindu women and without their men-folk).· Allah-o-Akbar, Musalmano jago Kafiro bhago, jehad aa raha hai. (Allah-o-Akbar, arise and awake Muslims, buzz off infidels, jehad is approaching.)· Kashmir kya banega - Pakistan (What will Kashmir be - Pakistan)· Zalimo O, Kafiro, Kashmir hamara chhod do (Ye cruel Kafirs (infidels) vacate our Kashmir)· Yahan kya chalega, Nizam - e - Mustafa (What will have sway here - Prophet's governance)· Arise ye, fearless Momins, For Russia has lost the race, Now the sword hangs on India's neck Now it is Kashmir's turn.· Islam hamara maksad hai Kuran hamara dastur hai Jehad hamara rasta hai. (Islam is our destinationKoran is our constitution Jehad is our way.)· Hamein kya chahye, Nizame Mustafa Kashmere main kya chalaiga, Nizame Mustafa Hindustan mein kya chalaiga, Nizame Mustafa (What do we need - Prophet's governance. What will have sway in Kashmir - Prophet's governance. What will have sway in India - Prophet's governance.· Ganga-Jamuna mein aag lagayenge (We will destroy Ganga and Yamuna)
I often wonder how powerful is religion? People across world are ready to kill anyone for their religions?How can anyone forget Crusades- Battle between Christians and Muslims? Christians say Muslims were aggressors and they killed devout Christians who were sure that world will come to an end at the beginning of 1000 years .But nothing happened. Humiliated by the Muslims they approached the pope and pope ordered crusades after many years from the date of the incident! On the other hand Muslims say Christians were the real Culprits.Christians, Muslims and Jews have common prophets up till Abraham. Abraham had two sons Ismail/Ishmael and Isaac. Arabs and Europeans had a common belief till Abraham.Division started from Ismail and Isaac. Ishmael, his firstborn son, is considered the Father of the Arabised Arabs, and Isaac is considered the Father of the Hebrews. It is widely believed in Islam, that Ishmael was the son whom Abraham almost sacrificed. Muslims use various proofs among others the fact that Ishmael was at one time his only son. Abraham is revered by Muslims as one of the Prophets of Islam, and is commonly termed Khalil Ullah, "Friend of God". Abraham is considered a "Hanif" that is, a discoverer of Monotheism .Who created Sunni and Shia Muslims? Abu Bakr,Ayesha or Ali?Ali was the first cousinof Prophet Mohammed and Husband of his only surving child Fatima.There is a controversy as to who was the first male muslim? Was it Ali or Abu Bakr?Sunni muslims say Abu Bakr was the first male while Shia muslims say Ali was the first male. Aisha is acontroversial figure because of differing portrayals of her in "Shia Islam" Shia versions of Islamic history and her role in the "First Fitna" (first Islamic civil war) at the head of an army against "Ali" in the Battle of Bassorah" Well the controversies in the religions is very-2 complex..Religions have lost their basic values which is love,peace,harmony and they are just intruments in the hands of politicians and religion has been used by politicians to bind people to common beleifs and customs, so that ruling the masses becomes easy. I believe that Religions are purposely made complex so that common man may take lifetime to understand and another lifetime to practise thus giving no time to analayse politics and power. God, Allah,paramatma,waheguru are different names of same entity.But see the terminology has already killed Millions across world and It still is killing.All religious heads should come together and bridge the gaps of terminology of God,Allah,Paramatma,Waheguru-----.Intercaste,intercultural and international marriages should be made compulsory, thereby giving chances to different people and cultures to understand new cultures and religions.there should be tolerance as well as love for all human beings.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

kashmiri pandits


Kashmir…..the paradise… birthplace had a very rich history and culture. It was the most peaceful and non-violent region of India. I remember when I was a boy; I used to play with my Muslim friends and classmates. I remember particular one friend His name was Nasir.He used to throw his weight around and threaten other boys of the class.Though he was not the strongest of the boys. He used to brag about his connections and relations with notorious rogues. He used to say that he knows “phila”.I once asked him “who is phila”? he said” He is the most powerful rogue and gangster of Kashmir at that time(late 80’s).He also told me that phila had once attacked his rival with a knife and scratched hid shoulder. Though it was a scratch and not a stab, but still that was enough for the common Kashmiri to create fear in their hearts. Rapes and murders were unheard in Kashmir.Although there used to be minor scuffles sometimes and exchange of fists and blows and thrashing of kangries(traditional fire pot), but murders were very-2 far.

Up to 13th century .It was a seat for learning sharda and Sanskrit .Many rulers ruled Kashmir like Kambojas and Panchals.13 th century saw the dominance of Islam in Kashmir. Sufis and rishis were respected, worshipped and followed by all. There was a syncretic culture where Hindus and Muslims revered the same local saints and prayed at the same shrines. Sikandar Butshikan changed it all and he persecuted the Hindus and issued orders proscribing the residence of any other than Muslims in Kashmir.Silver and gold idols of gods were broken on orders of sikander.He forcibly converted hindus to muslims and number of hindus migrated to different parts of Present India.The torture of Kashmir hindus continued till the coming of Dogra rulers.

Come Jan 1990, V.P.singh as prime minister and Mufti Mohammed sayyed as Home minister of India. Same Kashmir turned into a virtual hell especially for Kashmiri Hindu pundits. Mosques which are place for worship was used as a platform to terrorize Hindus. Announcements from loudspeakers from the local mosques said that either you support us or you die. In fact Hindus were selectively massacred by the local terrorists. In just 3 months Local terrorists with the active support of Pakistan’s I.S.I killed hundreds of innocent Hindus and usually they targeted the main bread earner. This selective killing of Hindus by the Muslims virtually wiped out the entire population of Kashmiri Hindus from Kashmir. It was an ethnic cleaning of Hindus from Kashmir with the active support of Pakistan.
Even sufi-rishi tradition could not withstand the violent ways of terrorist killing.

Some terrorists in Kashmir dramatically declared after years that now they had a divine transformation of hearts and now they have shunned violent ways. Prominent among these pseudo-prophets are Farooq Ahmed dar alias Bitta karate who had self confessed on local television of killing more than 22 innocent Hindus and Yasin Malik-chairman of JKLF.

. The strongest of the species survive. This is a universal truth. And this applies to both animals and humans. History is like statistics or should I say statistics is like history.
Statistics is all about numbers. It is about forecasting of numbers. History is also like forecasting, but it is not the numbers here but events……past events…..number of past events….. Which are responsible for our present and the present events are pillars for the future events to happen. History says that Kashmir pundits are intellectuals, although we are less in number but our community has produced some of the genius and world class leaders like Pundit jawahar lal Nehru and Indira Gandhi
It is practically impossible to return back to our natives place in present scenario. There are number of Kashmiri Hindu organizations and groups who are struggling and fighting for the rights of Kashmiri Hindus. The demand for a protected area or a separate Kashmir within Kashmir under Indian jurisdiction is a very practical solution for sufferings of Kashmir Hindus as that will protect both their culture and religion and will also protect their birth land for future generations to come.

human rights and kashmiri hindus

Kashmir valley has been facing violence since last 17+ years. Thousands of innocent people have lost their lives due to Islamic terrorists and also by Indian forces deployed there. Along with the battle of terrorists and Indian armed forces, there has also been a battle of Ideologies between the population of Kashmir i.e. between Kashmiri Muslims and Kashmir Hindus. This ideological clash is basically between non Muslims and fanatic Muslim mentality who want there should be only one religion in world i.e. Islam. Incidentally I am being told Islam means Peace! I wonder if this is peace then what does violence mean!!!

World’s powerful countries like U.S.A and U.K have also been targeted by Islamic terrorists and these countries are fighting to eliminate terrorism from the globe. Over these years one new saying has come into existence” every Muslim may not be a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim”.

Pakistan who is behind all the terrorist activities carried in Kashmir had a specific strategy which they had copied from their long term ally China. Pakistan followed what China did to Tibet. In 1950 more than 80% of population of Tibet was Tibetan Buddhists
.today 70% of population in Tibet is Chinese! Pakistan also targeted ethnic cleansing of more than 4lakh Kashmir pundits through their so called jehadis or terrorists who brutally murdered thousands of Kashmir pundits and scores of ladies were raped and murdered.
All this happened with the active support of majority population of Muslims

.When militancy started in Kashmir, there was huge support for militants from Muslims and these terrorists used to get information about their targets from neighbors of Kashmiri Hindu target. Many Muslim neighbors used to know already in advance who will be next Hindu target, but they seldom used to inform their Hindu neighbor except in some rare cases. Kashmiri terrorists selectively targeted Kashmiri innocent Hindus. Muslim majority was relinquishing and getting strange satisfaction by seeing terrorists killing Hindus. Properties were looted and even today many Kashmir Hindus properties have been illegally occupied by Muslims in J&K.

The fact is that Kashmir Hindus were forced to migrate by jihadi militants.Kashmiri Hindus lived like refugees in their own country. These refugees were forced to live in inhuman, pathetic and unhygienic conditions in tents! Due to these hostile conditions many more died of various illnesses and more died of heat strokes, snake bites, rain and cold as these tents were substandard and not weather proof.

All this happened and no one really came forward to help and raise questions of human rights violation against Kashmiri Hindus who were in distress! There have been human rights violations in Kashmir for both Hindus and Muslims but Hindus suffered the most. Because Despite being in India Kashmiri Hindus can’t return to their homeland due to biased and anti-Hindu treatment by Muslim majority of Kashmir and also due to minority vote bank politics of so called secular political parties of India. Human rights activists have seldom raised their voices in support of Hindus of Kashmir. Why? Human rights organization has lost its values and they have become insensitive to the sufferers and are just puppets in hand of politicians.